Volunteers and Members
Noosa Museum is a not-for-profit enterprise dedicated to preserving the fascinating history of our region.
We rely on donations and grants for funding, but we operate solely with the help of members and volunteers.
Become a member or a volunteer, and you’ll be joining a vibrant community organisation providing opportunities to learn, to grow, to connect.
The Noosa Museum welcomes and values the contribution of volunteers and recognises the wide range of skills and knowledge they bring with them.
Volunteers are always needed to help support the museum in its many activities. Join us for a rewarding experience.
Click here to view a short introductory video (YouTube)
Museum Membership
Museum members get free entry into the museum for the year, with access to the library and genealogy records, discounts to certain events and regular newsletters keeping you up to date on what's happening at the museum.
Use the form below to apply for membership.
Fees: $20 Adult, $15 Concession card holders. Fees are payable upon joining and then at the start of the financial year.