Capturing the Past
Our Oral History Series
Got a story to tell? Something about our region that needs sharing, before it's forgotten?
A tale from the past, a family history, a recollection of early days, a rare snippet of information, maybe even the story behind a museum item.
Here's where we might be able to help, with our Capturing the Past initiative.
We'll guide you in capturing your recollections as a sound recording, a narrated slideshow or even a video.
Once you're happy with the result, we'll look into adding relevant pictures from our Heritage Photos collection - or maybe even photos you've supplied.
With your kind permission, we'll make the result available to everyone through our website.
Click here or on the YouTube button for more information.
Or contact us using the form, below.
Like to see what we’ve already captured?
Visit the Episodes page
All you’ll need to do is tell your story, in your own words.
We’ll do the rest.